7月7日:坦桑尼亚工人日萨巴萨巴节Saba Saba Day

日期:2020-07-07 17:23:15 作者:节日 浏览: 查看评论 加入收藏

7月7日萨巴萨巴节(Saba Saba Day)庆祝1954年坦桑尼亚党塔努(TANU)成立,坦噶尼喀非洲民族联盟(Tanganyika African National Union)。萨巴萨巴语坦桑尼亚国语斯瓦希里语(以及坦噶尼喀桑给巴尔,国家联盟1964年创建坦桑尼亚联国)中意思“七七”。萨巴-萨巴也以指达累斯萨拉姆国际贸易博览。展每年日期达累斯萨拉姆库拉西尼附近萨巴萨巴广场举行。

Saba Saba Day on July 7 celebrates (among other things) the 1954 founding of the Tanzanian political party, TANU, the Tanganyika African National Union. Saba Saba means "seven seven" in Swahili, the national language of Tanzania (and of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, the two countries whose union created the United Republic of Tanzania in 1964). Saba Saba also may refer to the Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair. The fair is held every year on this date in Saba Saba grounds near Kurasini in Dar es Salaam.

肯尼亚萨巴沙巴节(Saba Saba Day)被纪念为生全国性抗议活动1990年7月7日,肯尼亚人街要求行自由选举。要求抗议客肯尼思·马蒂巴查尔斯·鲁比亚遭当时暴独裁者总统Moi殴打拘留。

如今,肯尼亚萨巴萨巴(Saba Saba)有含义,民间社正义工组要求尊重宪,制止警察野蛮行径杀戮。

Saba Saba Day in Kenya is remembered as the day in when nation-wide protests took place. On July 7th 1990 Kenyans took to the streets to demand free elections. The politicians who had called for the protests, Kenneth Matiba and Charles Rubia, were beaten up and detained by the then tyrannical dictator President Moi.

In present day Kenya, Saba Saba has taken on a new meaning, with civil societies and Social Justice Working Groups asking for respect of the constitution, an end to police brutality and killings.
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